A True Farm To Fork Connection From Real Texas Ranchers and Butchers

Authentic Beef


It all starts with a healthy well cared for calf.  This is the start of spring calving season for many ranchers, with the hope that a new calf crop...


What does dry aged beef mean?  Aging beef is allowing time between the harvest of cattle for beef and consuming the beef.  The purpose of allowing ...


How do you know the beef you are eating is authentic?  The dictionary gives the definition of authentic as: (adjective) - "of undisputed origin; ...

WHY? (again)

Why Authentic Beef?  I'm going back to "why".  Back to the beginning; and it probably won't be the last time because it is such an important questi...


When does it matter who produced the beef you eat?  That depends.  If you are the kind of person who cares to know who produced your food, where yo...


Where does the beef you serve come from?  Australia? New Zealand? Brazil? Mexico?  Canada?  The United States?  Where at in the United States?  Wha...


What is important to you?  If it’s knowing exactly what farm or ranch your food comes from, or who raised the food that you carefully prepare for y...


Who produces the beef you eat?  If it’s a steak from one ranch that you bought it from direct, you know.  But if it’s a steak with a big name prett...


There are a lot of folks that like to use the word sustainable when talking about food, but often don’t explain what they mean.  Truly sustainable ...


(of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine. synonyms: genuine, authentic, bona fide Do you want to have the assurance...


Lots of people talk about farm to table, pasture to plate or farm to fork, but very few actually put forth the effort, do the hard work and really ...


adjective: able to be followed to its origin. Traceability is the ability to track beef everywhere it goes while being produced, processed and deli...